Janaye shitting brownies
Duration: 11:30
Views: 41K
Submitted: 9 years ago
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Brunette girl, Janaye, sits on her knees on the bathroom floor. She's pooping the last brownies that she finished eating.
Girls pooping
«In the last part, she shoves her bum up against the camera, and her asshole is really dirty, and she wipes several times, showing off the first, very stained paper, all this in close up, because she is obviously enjoying all of this, and, finally, she displays her pile of excrement once more, saying that this is all for you.»
«Have recently filed to favourites another video of this delightful lady, who is so frank and open, yet intimately dirty talking, and who is so totally uninhibited regarding her natural intimate private functions, that it is better to retain both; this one is longer, and stated to be "9 years old", - take theses dates with so many grains of salt, as the recently saved one, which is very similar, but not the same, dates from the ridiculously futuristic date "2026". As in her other video, she is absolutely clear that she is doing this for us, and she wants us to experience everything intimately with her. First she gives us a recent shitting history, where she held on for so long during a long drive, that when they arrived at a "gas station", (Americanisms in parentheses"
, she had to rush to the toilets, where she "exploded" with much relief. In this video, she says that she has been holding on for so lone, and is bursting to go, so she presents to us, totally naked, and,after so many shifts and changes in the siting of the papers on the floor, she finally positions herself, with her bum towards us, and then there isa long period of pushing and grunting, before the first tentative small turds drop, and then, a super abundance of poo drops from her bu, in long ropes, and she is looking at us, intimately,as she wants to share all of her defecation, (my word), with us. She then repositions her bum, and drops out another long rope of shit, (her word,always), finally ending her pooping, (my word),with a couple of tag turds pushed out. She then ends up by displaying her super bulky deposits to us in detail; maybe more comments on this special pooping lady later.»