Police girl shitting a lot
Duration: 9:43
Views: 21K
Submitted: 7 years ago
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Japanese police girl pooping a lot on floor because she was to lazy to use a bathroom.
Girls pooping
«LOVE SEE big bulky female take spankee girl over knee she got her big police skirt on tights and massive panty girdle knickers with huge maxi pad in gusset drawers half way through discipline and spankee howling at heat in her bum cheeks spanker lifts bum to one side and rips for arond 20 to 25 secs long
loud very bassy potent»
«female use wacking spanking strong hand that loosen glass out frame to smack female bum oh she was howling getting sore red hot bottom for 15mins then wpc pulled her knickers back uo to arrest her»
«big wpc bang her hand of a persons window on door until she loosen glass out frame then burst into house to arrest woman she took female over her knee and gave her very sore hot bottom first then pulled her pants back up to put in car to charge»
«once WPC FINISHED HER satisfying dump she will then go back to spankee and pull their pants back up
and told not to backchat or not do as told again or discipline will be far worse in future
WPC now on next spankee who need disciplined they are making big fuss so wpc about to calm them down by sitting on their face and farting until she blown them away with very potent farts then their pants will be getting lowered to go over knee to get bum roasted»
«love to see uk policewoman in skirt pull spankees to her lower their pants put over her pantyhose knee
spank their bum until it very sore red and hot and spankee crying well with roasty bum
during discipline she would lift her bum and let out a loud 25secs obassy potent fart in her panty girdle drawers maxi pad that pumps out the room or as my friends mom say i will blow the roof off
spankee then sent to corner bare bum
policewoman can then go to toilet lift her big A SKIRT LOWER TIGHTS AND DRAWERS and then sit and enjoy expelling a well made thick in girth 1 metre shit in pan»
«love to see WPC 1980s style go to proper toilet lift big A skirt lower tights and her big panty girdle drawers and drop huge long firm snake in toilet!!!»