«And with much grunting and groaning, and wet farts, (as she pushes the last of her poop out), and,at least in the film, as shown, she wipes her bum, only incompletely.»
«Super stimulating brunette lady, first, sharing her poop with us, bum towards us, dropping a bulky, sticky one through her brief thong; she then removes the thong, and faces us in super sexy squat, all her assets on display, and she watches us intimately, as, with much grunting, she forces out more poo from her bum, sharing her shit with us, and, finally, before wrapping her accumulated deposits in plastic sheet, she turns her bum back to us, displaying the poop stains, before wiping her asshole.»
«This delightful Continental European lady so enjoys sharing her sexy poops and wind with us, in this and other videos of hers.»
«And with much grunting and groaning, and wet farts, (as she pushes the last of her poop out), and,at least in the film, as shown, she wipes her bum, only incompletely.»
«Super stimulating brunette lady, first, sharing her poop with us, bum towards us, dropping a bulky, sticky one through her brief thong; she then removes the thong, and faces us in super sexy squat, all her assets on display, and she watches us intimately, as, with much grunting, she forces out more poo from her bum, sharing her shit with us, and, finally, before wrapping her accumulated deposits in plastic sheet, she turns her bum back to us, displaying the poop stains, before wiping her asshole.»