«Alyssa is one of the several clients of the girls pooping monitoring company, always in thrall to that male voice telling them what to do, including wiping their bums. Now, this Alyssa is tall, quite attractive, and probably a few years older than the other girls, probably well into her twenties when this film was made, possibly many years past, difficult to know. Basically, the video is very drawn out, considering that the action, Alyssa's pooping, only occupies a small space in the middle of the film; she and her mentor(s), were on an extensive sandy foreshore area, probably in California, and a constant lookout had to be taken so that she could do her business out of sight of passers--by, a common theme on this web-site. Early on, she removes her not very sexy baggy trousers, remaining in briefs and maroon cardigan; she pees,not a big issue,as girls will often pee, in public, even if they can be seen; however, she promises a "big shit". Conditions are very windy, and she remains generally squatting, waiting for the opportunity; she is intimate, frequently sending kisses, whether to her supervisor or the viewers, probably both: finally, a suitable window of privacy having come,,she drops her briefs, and, squatting or crouching low, drops a really sexy, bulky poop on the sand, telling us that she"did it" very pleased with herself She is delightful, grinning/waving at us, asking if "we like her Shit", and she is still crouching, her briefs down, as she is awaiting paper; she shows us her stained asshole, and then she wipes her bum, showing us the very soiled paper, and she spends much time wiping, all the time very pleased to be filmed performing this intimate procedure. finally, she pulls up her briefs, and the camera focuses much on her deposits in the sand. She kisses good-bye, but she is not finished, because she returns, now in trousers again, and buries her excrement, or, at least covers it up, with sand; she tells us that"she has done a big old fat shit" She says that she feels much better, because she had "been holding in the shit", obviously for the film. There is constant dialogue with and prompting from the supervisor. Finally,she kisses good-bye for the second time.»
«Alyssa is one of the several clients of the girls pooping monitoring company, always in thrall to that male voice telling them what to do, including wiping their bums. Now, this Alyssa is tall, quite attractive, and probably a few years older than the other girls, probably well into her twenties when this film was made, possibly many years past, difficult to know. Basically, the video is very drawn out, considering that the action, Alyssa's pooping, only occupies a small space in the middle of the film; she and her mentor(s), were on an extensive sandy foreshore area, probably in California, and a constant lookout had to be taken so that she could do her business out of sight of passers--by, a common theme on this web-site. Early on, she removes her not very sexy baggy trousers, remaining in briefs and maroon cardigan; she pees,not a big issue,as girls will often pee, in public, even if they can be seen; however, she promises a "big shit". Conditions are very windy, and she remains generally squatting, waiting for the opportunity; she is intimate, frequently sending kisses, whether to her supervisor or the viewers, probably both: finally, a suitable window of privacy having come,,she drops her briefs, and, squatting or crouching low, drops a really sexy, bulky poop on the sand, telling us that she"did it" very pleased with herself She is delightful, grinning/waving at us, asking if "we like her Shit", and she is still crouching, her briefs down, as she is awaiting paper; she shows us her stained asshole, and then she wipes her bum, showing us the very soiled paper, and she spends much time wiping, all the time very pleased to be filmed performing this intimate procedure. finally, she pulls up her briefs, and the camera focuses much on her deposits in the sand. She kisses good-bye, but she is not finished, because she returns, now in trousers again, and buries her excrement, or, at least covers it up, with sand; she tells us that"she has done a big old fat shit" She says that she feels much better, because she had "been holding in the shit", obviously for the film. There is constant dialogue with and prompting from the supervisor. Finally,she kisses good-bye for the second time.»